Rainmaker Securities Client FAQs

  • Rainmaker Securities, LLC (“RMS”) is a FINRA registered broker-dealer and SIPC member. A registered broker-dealer may charge transaction fees for facilitating securities transactions for its clients.

  • RMS is not a registered investment advisor. A registered investment advisor may charge their clients an advisory fee, which is calculated as a percentage of the assets managed by the advisor.

  • Free and simple tools are available to research firms and financial professionals at Investor.gov/CRS, which also provides educational materials about broker-dealers, investment advisers, and investing.

  • The main address of RMS is 382 NE 191st St. #86647, Miami, FL 33179-3899. The location is not open to the public, but it does receive mail.

  • This revision of the firm’s relationship summary was drafted on December 13, 2022 and it represents the most current version.

Relationship and Services

What investment services and advice can you provide me?

You may engage RMS to make referrals to buyers or sellers of securities. If you complete a securities transaction with a buyer of seller that we have referred to you, then you will be obligated to pay RMS a success fee. The success fee is typically calculated as a percentage of the consideration paid from the buyer to the seller in the transaction.

RMS does not hold any client funds or securities. Therefore, we have no discretionary authority over client transactions and provide no ongoing monitoring of client transactions.

If you have not engaged RMS to provide brokerage services, you may still encounter RMS representatives as the recipient of an introduction to a buyer or seller of securities. In such an instance, you will not be obligated to pay RMS any fee.

Conversation Starters

  • Given my financial situation, should I choose a brokerage service? Why or why not?

  • How will you choose investments to recommend to me?

  • What is your relevant experience, including your licenses, education, and other qualifications? What do these qualifications mean?

Fees, Costs, Conflicts, and Standard of Conduct

What fees will I pay?

If you are an engaged client, you may become obligated to pay RMS a success fee if you complete a transaction with a buyer or seller of securities that has been referred to you by RMS. The success fee is calculated pursuant to the contractual agreement between the engaged client and RMS.

If you are not an engaged client, then you will not become obligated to pay RMS any fees. However, you should be aware that RMS is most likely being paid a success fee by the counter-party in your securities transaction.

Conversation Starter

  • If I invest $10,000, how much will go to fees and costs?

What are your legal obligations to me when providing recommendations?

RMS does not typically recommend any securities transaction to its clients. When we provide you a recommendation, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the recommendations we provide you. Here are some examples to help you understand what this means:

  • If you are not the engaged client in a securities transaction, RMS is most likely being paid a success fee by the counter-party in your securities transaction.

  • If the associated person of RMS that makes the recommendation is also a significant equity holder in the issuer of the securities recommended or a member of the management team of the issuer of the securities recommended, then there may be a conflict of interest.

Conversation Starter

  • How might your conflicts of interest affect me, and how will you address them?

How do your financial professionals make money?

You may engage RMS to make referrals to buyers or sellers of securities. If you complete a securities transaction with a buyer of seller that an RMS financial professional has referred to you, then you will be obligated to pay RMS a success fee pursuant to the terms of the engagement agreement. The success fee is typically calculated as a percentage of the consideration paid from the buyer to the seller in the transaction. RMS pays a portion of the success fee to the RMS financial professional(s) that sourced the buyer and seller in the transaction. Compensation is typically paid in cash, but may also be paid in warrants to purchase securities.

Disciplinary History

Do you or your financial professionals have legal or disciplinary history?

Yes. Visit Investor.gov/CRS for a free and simple search tool to research our firm and our financial professionals.

Conversation Starter

  • As a financial professional, do you have any disciplinary history? For what type of conduct?

Additional Information

Our firm’s relationship summary can be found on our website at www.rainmakersecurities.com/crs. To request more information, you may call 888-333-1091 or schedule a meeting using our online form.

Conversation Starter

  • Who is my primary contact person? Is he or she a representative of an investment adviser or a broker-dealer? Who can I talk to if I have concerns about how this person is treating me?