Market Insight Update: Lack of Transparency in the Private Markets

The private markets are full of abundant opportunities to invest in later stage growth narratives. While several investors pursue the flight towards quality names that have a $10B+ valuation and have significant amount of news coverage, other investors seek to invest in esoteric names where the risk is more but there is higher potential upside.

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Kirat Lall
Market Insight Update: Crypto in the Secondary Market

During the peak crypto run, several startups in the category raised sequential rounds of capital to develop their tech stack and buoy acquisitive growth.

Recently, Rainmaker data has shown that late stage investing in crypto names has slowed, allowing these companies to grow into their valuation. Moreover, the lag in buyer competition offers investors the opportunity to explore private growth narratives at significant discounts.  

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Ken Anderson
Market Insight Update: Tender Offer in the Secondary Market

Company sponsored secondary transactions (tender offers) are a mechanism by which the company allows an approved investor to purchase shares at a given price / corresponding valuation. Early investors and employees can opt to participate if they want liquidity and are receptive to the purchase price.  Depending on the amount of demand from the approved investor, shareholders can opt to sell a portion or all of their holdings to spreadhead their liquidity efforts thereby realizing monetary returns.

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Kirat Lall